
Home remedy for lowering cholesterol

Home remedy for lowering cholesterol

An excellent home remedy for lowering high cholesterol is the artichoke, and fresh salad of lettuce with carrot and lemon.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance, whitish and odorless, it can not be seen or perceived in the taste of food.There are two major kinds of cholesterol:
  • LDL, the bad cholesterol;
  • HDL, the good cholesterol.
In small quantities, cholesterol is required for some functions of the body, but too much can cause cardiovascular problems such as myocardial infarction. See what the reference values ​​for cholesterol .

Home remedy for lowering cholesterol with artichokes

The home remedy for lowering cholesterol with artichoke is great for because the artichoke is a plant that protects the liver and has a great power in cholesterol fight.
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1250 ml water
Cook the artichokes in water and when it boils wait about 7 minutes and turn off the heat.Taking this cooking broth throughout the day. This procedure is repeated 3 times a week.

Lettuce salad to lower cholesterol

Lettuce salad with carrot and lemon to lower cholesterol is another home remedy of choice because it has a low fat content. To do, just put in a container shredded lettuce, grated raw carrot, onion slices and season with 1 lemon squeezed and a few cloves of fresh garlic.
In the treatment to lower cholesterol, it is advisable to avoid eating foods of animal origin and also fatty foods such as fried foods. Use in food and fresh fruits vegetables and whole grains help the body to eliminate excess blood fat, resulting in health.


The medicinal benefits of garlic for the heart

The medicinal benefits of garlic for the heart


The medicinal benefits of garlic to the heart due to the presence of substances such as allicin, which thins the blood and relaxes blood vessels, and Ajoene having an anti-coagulant action.
Garlic, scientifically named Allium sativum , can be used as a medicinal plant being effective in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases because it decreases blood pressure, bad cholesterol, promotes a slight dilation of blood vessels, facilitating the passage of blood, and hampers blood clotting, and are therefore effective in preventing thrombus and thromboembolic events.
To take full advantage of the medicinal properties of garlic, recommended to his raw consumption, as these properties are lost in the garlic cooking process. One can take 1 capsule daily garlic or take 2 cups garlic flavored water per day to achieve the same benefits.

Flavored water Recipe garlic

  • 1 clove fresh garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 100 ml water
Soak the garlic clove beaker with 100 ml of water for 6 to 8 hours (while sleeping, for example) and take fasting, the morning.
Allicin is the active substance in garlic responsible for its medicinal benefits, giving him also his intense aroma. For this recipe you should use raw garlic.
The benefits of garlic to extend further to the gastrointestinal tract by reducing intestinal fermentation processes also alleviating gastric discomfort.