
Blood in the stool during pregnancy

Blood in the stool during pregnancy 

Blood in the stool during pregnancy is a nuisance and can be uncomfortable but usually is not a huge problem. The good news is that the blood in the stool can be prevented or treated easily and usually disappear after delivery.

Blood in the stool when you're pregnant can be scary, but usually is not a serious problem. Your doctor will want to check that you are sure it is not a serious problem so be sure to report any blood in the stool during pregnancy. Understanding the possible causes of blood in the stool during pregnancy and how you must correctly answer this question will help you deal with it better.

What causes blood in the stool during pregnancy?

The most common cause of blood in the stool during pregnancy is constipation, which is caused by too little water or fiber in your diet or high potency vitamins you are taking. Constipation can lead to other problems that actually cause bleeding:
  • Hemorrhoids are blood vessels around the rectum that become painfully swollen during the last couple of months of pregnancy and after delivery. As you strive to pass a hard stool, hemorrhoids can get bigger and can bleed.
  • Anal fissures, or cracks in the skin around the rectum may be caused by effort to eliminate hard stool. As these cracks open, you may notice small amounts of blood in the stool.
  • Anal tears. As anal fissures become bigger, you can develop small tears in her rectum that can lead to blood in the stool.

When should I worry about blood in stool during pregnancy?

As long as you are sure that the blood is coming from your rectal area ENAO her vagina, there is probably no danger to your developing baby.However, you should be sure to report this bleeding to your doctor.
If you notice blood and I can not say for sure the source, you should report bleeding to your provider will probably want to see you to have blood in stool while pregnant sure that the bleeding is not vaginal. If you have a lot of bleeding, or if bleeding is accompanied by abdominal or back pain or nausea and vomiting, be sure to contact your doctor immediately.

Ease as blood in the stool during pregnancy

Notes: If you have the discomfort of blood in the stool, first check with your doctor. Be sure to clean your rectal area well after a bowel movement.Gently dry the area to avoid increased bleeding. If you are experiencing pain, take the preferred pain medication by your doctor. If bleeding and pain persists, contact your doctor, who may prescribe a cream or ointment to numb the rectal area. There are several things you can do to prevent or relieve blood in the stool during pregnancy.
What to do
Eat right
Foods high in fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables will help prevent constipation. If necessary, you can add a bit of unprocessed wheat bran to your meals - followed by plenty of water.
Drink lots of water
8 to 12 glasses of water a day will help keep fezesmacio. If necessary, drink a glass of prune juice each day.
Taking a fiber supplement
Ask your doctor if there is a secure fiber supplement over-the-counter. If you are on high doses of iron, be aware that iron can cause constipation.Ask your doctor if you can use lower doses of iron.
Unless your doctor directs otherwise, be sure to walk or do yoga every day. Keep the body in motion will keep your bowels moving. Be sure to include Kegel exercises into your routine. Tense the muscles around your rectum and vagina and hold for a count of ten. Repeat this exercise 20-25 times.
Move your bowels regularly
Do not expect to go to the bathroom. As soon as you feel the pressure, go to the bathroom.
Try hot or cold
Try some and see if cold compresses or a hot sitz bath helps bleeding and discomfort.
Be gentle
Use unscented, white toilet paper and wipe gently. Some women find that cleaning with witch hazel is soothing and reduces bleeding.
Ask for medication
For persistent bleeding, your doctor may recommend hemorrhoid suppositories or other medications. Before using any of these medications, be sure to consult your doctor.

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