
Safe to use a vibrator during pregnancy?

Safe to use a vibrator during pregnancy? 

The sexual activity and use of vibrators are a common concern during pregnancy. If you are having a normal pregnancy, you can use vibrators or sex toys; However, keep in mind that you need a greater degree of caution in some situations.

Mothers who are pregnant often wonder if it is safe to have sex during pregnancy. The concern is even higher in couples who conceived her first baby. It is imperative to understand that safe sex practices are perfectly fine as long as your doctor has not banned their sexual relationship. The next logical question in this regard is whether sex toys or vibrators are safe during pregnancy active?
Answer: Although so far no study or clinical trial was conducted that would determine the safety or dangers of using sex toys during pregnancy, most health professionals believe that there is no restriction or apparent danger in vibrator use, if some care is maintained.
Orgasms (the sensation of pleasure after intercourse or vibrator use) is absolutely safe during pregnancy; However, if you are at risk for preterm / preterm labor or you are experiencing frequent uterine contractions, it is best to avoid the use of vibrator and / or sexual activity to avoid orgasm (and any potential harm to the fetus well be).

What are the precautions to take when using a vibrator during pregnancy?

A lot of women like to use sex toys and vibrators during pregnancy (because the increased blood flow to the vaginal area to improve sexual stimulation and feel of a big deal, making more enjoyable orgasms). However, care must be taken strictly.
  • External vibrators are usually a better choice than the internal. This is mainly because most internal vibrators are manufactured from plastic which always presents a risk of penetration into the cervix. This can irritate the cervical mucosa and may endanger your pregnancy.
  • Keep extra care of hygiene and cleanliness. Make optimally separates sterilize after each use. If you are using the same toy / vibrator for fore-play or anal penetration, avoid using it in the vagina, as it increases the risk of bacterial infection several folds.
  • Be sure to never use a sex toy and forth without ideal cleaning or at least washing. You can also cover the dildo with a condom to minimize riskhealth of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Be gentle when you are using the vibrator as the material is much harder and tougher than the penis (and probably can damage your vaginal lining).
  • Use warm soapy water to wash the sex toy / vibrator and store it in a clean drying.
  • Do not use sexual / vibrators toys, if you have low altitude placenta / active vaginal infection or weak cervix uterus.

What are some warning signs to watch?

Some warning signs to watch out for:
  • If while using the vibrator, you feel pain, discomfort or irritation; stop immediately.
  • If vibrator use is associated with vaginal spots (even trivial), be sure to talk to your doctor at your next visit.
  • If you are feeling moderate pain or vaginal bleeding even after an hour of vibrator use, talk to your doctor immediately. The same is true for other sex toys or even copulating with male organ.
  • If you're near term (any time after 37 weeks of gestation) and orgasm or the vibrator use is followed by regular, painful contractions beyond 2 hours; you should contact a healthcare professional to make sure this is not the beginning of labor.


Tattoos during pregnancy

Tattoos during pregnancy 

Many pregnant women may want a tattoo on your body. It is not bad to have a tattoo, but you should look at the effects of tattoos during pregnancy for you and your baby not yet born, as discussed in this article.

Something may strike in your mind that you need to mark this important phase of their life with something special like a tattoo. You may have some concerns about their existing tattoos. You will always consider what is good and safe for both your baby and you in particular. Their own health and also your baby play such an important role in pregnancy. You may not have much information about some practices that you can devote and if they are safe during pregnancy or not. Here you can get more information about whether or not you can get a tattoo during pregnancy and how to deal with the existing one.

Is it safe to tattoos while I'm pregnant?

When you get a tattoo, especially during pregnancy, may increase the risk of contracting infections such as HIV and hepatitis B. Because the risk is significant, it is generally advisable to get a tattoo after having delivered. Getting a tattoo involves the use of dyes of skin that come into direct contact with skin. Chemicals found in the paint is absorbed into the bloodstream can affect the development of your baby in the womb, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, there are no known effects of these chemicals to the baby after pregnancy.

Concerns and precautions

Not out several concerns about tattoos, and its probably recommended to wait until the pregnancy is over and then you can decide on the tattoo you want and where in the body.
  • Infectious diseases. Hepatitis B, which is an infection of the liver precarious and HIV / AIDS are the two main infections that can be contracted by cross-transfer fluids. It simply means that you can easily get the infection by sharing the same needle if not properly sterilized. And you can pass the infection to her baby as well, when you are pregnant.
  • Harm of chemicals. You may not know the extent to which the tattoo inks and dyes affect the baby. And this is also another major concern, since small amounts of chemicals in these products may not be harmful to you as an adult, could be devastating to the health of your baby in the womb.
  • You can not get an epidural. Some may argue that if you have a tattoo on your back, you can not have an epidural. There has been limited study showing the risks that could be imminent for women with back tattoo and epidural. In fact none of the research or studies that have been conducted on these proved to be negative. However, if you find yourself in the dilemma in relation epidural and tattoos, you can always seek professional medical help of the doctor who will guide you well in such circumstances.

And if I'm determined to get a tattoo?

It is very difficult to find one willing to carry out a tattoo tattoo artist in your body when you are pregnant. In fact most of the tattooists hesitate to do it, and only some of them may have the courage. But if you are hard pressed and you feel like your heart desires a tattoo, here are the simple security steps you can put into consideration.
1. First of all tattoo artist should know that they are performing a tattoo, so happy to tell them that you are pregnant.
2. DO NOT rush into tattooing his body; you can wait until the second quarter as this is the time when the baby's major organs have actually developed ie, nerves, bones and muscles.
3. Make sure that your tattoo artist or the people running the tattoo on you, meet the following guidelines:
  • They are registered professionals; to the states that register tattoo artist.
  • They should be wearing gloves because undertake the procedure.
  • They have an autoclave for sterilizing equipment.
  • All the surrounding environment is safe, clean ie, surfaces and floors.
  • All needles used in the process are novel and sealed and should be discarded after a single use.
  • The dressings are closed and sterilized, as well as dye and paint.
  • The artist is available during the first 24 hours if you have a problem,
Finally, in case you had a tattoo, but you question the services of the establishment that made you; make an appointment to be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis as well.

What about existing tattoos?

Existing tattoos have no effect on pregnancy; however, stretch marks after pregnancy can leave your distorted or discolored tattoo. The only cure for stretch marks is to use a moisturizer. Dermatologist will advise you to gently rub in circular motions the scar areas. Any lotion may function but shea butter may be the best, since it leaves a protective layer on the skin. No study has proven suggesting that the creams can prevent stretch marks caused by pregnancy, but certainly they help to keep your skin hydrated. You may not like what stretch marks can make your tattoo, but all is not lost, all you need is a little patience. When the age of your baby is atrásvocê and you're back to normal, you can get these tattoos reworkedhealth and done again.

Blood in the stool during pregnancy

Blood in the stool during pregnancy 

Blood in the stool during pregnancy is a nuisance and can be uncomfortable but usually is not a huge problem. The good news is that the blood in the stool can be prevented or treated easily and usually disappear after delivery.

Blood in the stool when you're pregnant can be scary, but usually is not a serious problem. Your doctor will want to check that you are sure it is not a serious problem so be sure to report any blood in the stool during pregnancy. Understanding the possible causes of blood in the stool during pregnancy and how you must correctly answer this question will help you deal with it better.

What causes blood in the stool during pregnancy?

The most common cause of blood in the stool during pregnancy is constipation, which is caused by too little water or fiber in your diet or high potency vitamins you are taking. Constipation can lead to other problems that actually cause bleeding:
  • Hemorrhoids are blood vessels around the rectum that become painfully swollen during the last couple of months of pregnancy and after delivery. As you strive to pass a hard stool, hemorrhoids can get bigger and can bleed.
  • Anal fissures, or cracks in the skin around the rectum may be caused by effort to eliminate hard stool. As these cracks open, you may notice small amounts of blood in the stool.
  • Anal tears. As anal fissures become bigger, you can develop small tears in her rectum that can lead to blood in the stool.

When should I worry about blood in stool during pregnancy?

As long as you are sure that the blood is coming from your rectal area ENAO her vagina, there is probably no danger to your developing baby.However, you should be sure to report this bleeding to your doctor.
If you notice blood and I can not say for sure the source, you should report bleeding to your provider will probably want to see you to have blood in stool while pregnant sure that the bleeding is not vaginal. If you have a lot of bleeding, or if bleeding is accompanied by abdominal or back pain or nausea and vomiting, be sure to contact your doctor immediately.

Ease as blood in the stool during pregnancy

Notes: If you have the discomfort of blood in the stool, first check with your doctor. Be sure to clean your rectal area well after a bowel movement.Gently dry the area to avoid increased bleeding. If you are experiencing pain, take the preferred pain medication by your doctor. If bleeding and pain persists, contact your doctor, who may prescribe a cream or ointment to numb the rectal area. There are several things you can do to prevent or relieve blood in the stool during pregnancy.
What to do
Eat right
Foods high in fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables will help prevent constipation. If necessary, you can add a bit of unprocessed wheat bran to your meals - followed by plenty of water.
Drink lots of water
8 to 12 glasses of water a day will help keep fezesmacio. If necessary, drink a glass of prune juice each day.
Taking a fiber supplement
Ask your doctor if there is a secure fiber supplement over-the-counter. If you are on high doses of iron, be aware that iron can cause constipation.Ask your doctor if you can use lower doses of iron.
Unless your doctor directs otherwise, be sure to walk or do yoga every day. Keep the body in motion will keep your bowels moving. Be sure to include Kegel exercises into your routine. Tense the muscles around your rectum and vagina and hold for a count of ten. Repeat this exercise 20-25 times.
Move your bowels regularly
Do not expect to go to the bathroom. As soon as you feel the pressure, go to the bathroom.
Try hot or cold
Try some and see if cold compresses or a hot sitz bath helps bleeding and discomfort.
Be gentle
Use unscented, white toilet paper and wipe gently. Some women find that cleaning with witch hazel is soothing and reduces bleeding.
Ask for medication
For persistent bleeding, your doctor may recommend hemorrhoid suppositories or other medications. Before using any of these medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


Vaginal odor during pregnancy

Vaginal odor during pregnancy 

Vaginal odor during pregnancy can usually be prevented, controlled and eliminated by proper hygiene. Read on to find out what causes vaginal odor during pregnancy and how to get rid of it.

One of the many changes that can occur during pregnancy is a strong odor, foul, and from her vagina fish. This may come as a shock to you because you may not have anticipated such an unpleasant result. You may even begin to feel insecure whenever you visit your prenatal provider, thinking that their odor will be too much for her to bear.

Vaginal odor during pregnancy is normal?

It is common in more than 65% of women to emit a fishy odor while they are with the child. These smells can range from being weak to very strong.However, if you are one of those women, you have nothing to worry about. After all, your doctor will have experimented with patients like you before, so you need not be ashamed of it.
To make sure you are healthy, you may have tested for any medical conditions, such as bacteria, yeast, or sexually transmitted infections. If the results turn out to be negative, then your hormones are more likely causing the smell. Changes in your body comes naturally when you get pregnant, so if your vaginal odor began at the same time her pregnancy made, they will probably end up at the same time, too.

What Causes Vaginal Odor during pregnancy?

1. Hormone

Her pregnancy will change your body dramatically and cause changes in their hormones to help in the development of your baby. Estrogen and progesterone are secreted by your body to facilitate the formation of the placenta in its úteroe cervix provide your baby with the right nutrients.Furthermore, prolactin acts as a signal for their mammary glands to start lactation at some point before their nine months are up. These changes in your hormonal activity also trigger an increase in vaginal secretions, causing a strong odor.

2. Infection

Next to hormonal changes, vaginal infections are the most common cause of bad smell. The first type, known as a yeast infection occurs when the population of naturally occurring fungi, increases dramatically. This causes uncontrollable itching and releases a discharge that has a foul odor.Furthermore, bacterial vaginitis develops due to multiplication of the bacterial culture into the vagina. It can be treated with antibiotics. These infections are dangerous and pose a risk to the health of your baby. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you notice yellow discharge, white or green additional or experience uncontrollable itching in their genital areas. These are signs of infection and should be treated by a specialist.

3. Diet

Although odors health vaginal by dietary causes can progress at any time, they occur most commonly in pregnant women. When you begin to develop a series of desires, especially for dairy products or foods with garlic as an ingredient, you may notice a change in their patterns of vaginal secretion. This may be causing your bad taste.

4. Other Factors

The herpes simplex virus and other STIs can also be the cause of your vaginal odor. Consult your doctor for a complete diagnosis.

When to see a doctor

1. last for a long time

If you notice that odors are coming from your vaginal discharge for a notable period of time, it is advisable that vocêconsulte your doctor to make sure that there is nothing wrong.

2. Yeast Infection

Although the presence of yeast in their vagina is perfectly normal, your balance will be interrupted by the hormonal changes of your pregnancy.This will bring its population to grow, making your itchy vagina and creating a strong smell. This should be treated at once using an antifungal cream prescribed by the doctor.

3. Bacterial Vaginitis

An imbalance in the pH level of your vagina will cause bacterial vaginitis. This can lead to inflammation, intense and uncontrollable itching, and painful burning sensation that usually acts up when urinating or having sex.
This condition can cause the baby be underweight, or your work to start earlier than expected. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a problem. You will probably be given antibiotics to remedy the effects.
If you want to know how to treat a yeast infection during pregnancy, you can watch the video below:


As Recognizing a Measles Rash?

As Recognizing a Measles Rash?

The measles rash can be quite easy to identify, either by their itching or on its actual appearance on an infected person by measles morbillivirus-causing. The measles rash usually appears about two weeks after the child has been around someone who has the virus. An early indication of measles is the visibility of Koplik spots, tiny blue-white spots surrounded by red inside the mouth, around the cheek area. These stains are from about 1 mm to 2 mm in diameter. The measles rash usually appears on the skin near the ears and hairline over time the Koplik spots are disappearing.
Measles is typically a childhood disease caused by morbillivirus that lives in the mouth and nose of infected children. The virus is released into the air when the child coughs or sneezes and, as such, is highly contagious. The incubation period - the time between a person to be exposed to the virus symptoms and developing - measles is 10 to 14 days.Although outbreaks are less common nowadays, as a result of widespread immunization programs, measles complications include pneumonia and encephalitis, and can be quite severe.
One to two days after the first measles rash appears near the hairline, it can spread to the trunk and limbs, while starts to disappear from the face. The measles rash may be slightly itchy. The patient is usually infectious from a few days days before the outbreak of appearance until a few days later; this is where the rash also begins to fade. Before the rash appears as a symptom of measles, the child may feel sick for several days and has a fever, runny nose and cough.
Rubella, caused by rubella viruses, is contracted in the same way as the measles virus and has an incubation period of 12-23 days. When it comes to diagnose German measles, one of the most reliable symptoms is the swelling of lymph nodes around the hair line, behind the ears. A child with German measles will also have a sore throat, runny nose, slight fever and a rash. The outbreak of German measles involves small dots pink that quickly spread throughout the body, especially the torso. Although this rash resembles a rash of measles, there is less of it and it goes away faster.
There is no specific treatment for measles. It's a matter of keeping the child comfortable until the symptoms disappear. The virus is highly contagious, so that the patient should be isolated from other children until it is no longer infectious.
  • Individuals born after 1957 should receive vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella.
  • A runny nose and cough are usually the first signs of a measles infection.
  • Sneezing is a common symptom of measles.
  • Fever is a common symptom of measles.
  • One of the most common symptoms of rubella is swollen lymph nodes.


The viral skin rash in children

The viral skin rash in children 

Viral rashes in children can be daunting for parents at first, but most often they are not serious and goes away quickly. In this article, we'd love to share some important information to help determine if your child has viral rashes and how to treat it.

The viral infection can affect several different sites in the body and when it is in the skin, which can lead to a temporary rash. Most of the time this rash will go away after a few days, but occasionally can last up to two weeks. Viral rashes do not usually lead to pain or itching and therefore there is no need treatment. In some cases, however, a more serious nature of viral infection appears as a rash initially and, therefore, you should know how to treat viral rashes in children as well as when to visit a doctor.

What is a viral outbreak?

1. Viral Rash

The appearance and symptoms of a viral rash will greatly depend on the virus that caused the outbreak and can be only one symptom. In these cases, the rash can help your child's doctor diagnose the virus behind the disease. Several viruses will lead to rash, as well as other symptoms such as cough or fever and sometimes rashes are non-specific, which means that there are unique enough to identify the cause. A viral eruption will vary in size and shape, but are often spotted red spots which usually affect most of the body. Sometimes they suddenly appears or itching, but usually disappear within a few days.

2. types of viral outbreaks

Outbreak Time
It takes 10 to 20 days for symptoms to appear and last for about two weeks.
This is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and can be serious for those with HIV, pregnant women, people who take steroids, newborns or people undergoing chemotherapy.
The rash appears three of the four days and lasts seven days.
This is caused by a paramyxovirus.
The symptoms of rubella or German measles, start 14-21 days after exposure.
It is caused by the virus, Rubivirus.
Fifth disease
The rash lasts one or two days.
It is caused by parvovirus B19 and also known as "slapped cheek" disease or erythema infectiosum.
The rash appears after the fever that can last eight days.
It is due to the herpes virus 6 or 7.
On the other hand, FMD
Symptoms usually disappear within ten days.
This is caused by coxsackievirus.
Kawasaki disease
The rash appears around five days after a high fever.
It is probably due to viral infection, but details are not yet known.

Sintomasde different viral eruptions

1. Varicella

Chickenpox first appears as an incredibly itchy rash on the scalp, armpits or groin that then spreads throughout the body in waves. The rash begins with a small bubble, surface surrounded by red skin. The bubble ruptures, so that the lesion creates a viral rashes in children crust.Additional symptoms, including red eyes, sore throat, fever malaiseand, and the last two of them may come before the eruption.

2. The measles

The measles usually begin with high fever, lethargy, cough, swelling and tearing, nasal congestion rednessand eye. By the third to fourth day, the child will have a rash on his face. This rash spreads quickly, lasting about 7 days. You can also get another rash with white patches in the mouth gums.

3. Rubella

Rubella begins with a red to pink facial rash that spreads throughout the rest of the child's body and then improves in about 4 days. It is possible that your child will not appear very ill, but will also develop symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes in the neck, especially behind the ears.

4. Fifth Disease

At first, your child will feel tired and sick, and then the eruption comes. The rash appears as bright red cheeks (also known as "disease cheeks hit") and not tender, but warm and occasionally itch. In one or two days, the precipitate Lacy spreads in the body. It will fade a bit when the skin feels cool, but if the child is active or taking a hot bath, it becomes more noticeable. The child is not contagious, since it has the rash.

5. Roseola

There is a high fever peaks for up to eight days and then oerupção appears. The rash consists of slightly raised or flat lesions that are small and pink. They start in trunkthen spread to the ends of your child.

6. On the other hand, Footand FMD

This disease leads to painful sores or rashes on the throat, mouth, feet, hands, and occasionally the buttocks. Most small children and children with him will have a fever, seem extremely tired or weak, or lose their appetite. Symptoms usually disappear within ten days.

7. Kawasaki Disease

In this disease the blood vessel walls become inflamed and making it dangerous. Symptoms begin as reddish eyes and a high fever. Five days later, there is a fragmentary red rash on the trunk. Most of the time the tongue and throat become dark red, and feet and hands may swell and turn purple. Lymph nodes in the neck are also often swollen.
Want to know more about rashes in children? Check this video out:

Treatment for Children with Viral Rashes

1. Drink

If your child has a fever, he will be experiencing an increase in water loss. If your baby is less than a year, keep doing regular food, but give you an oral rehydration solution (such as Pedialyte) between them. If your child is over a year, have him drink or eat a lot of liquids, including juice, water, popsicles Jello-Oe.

2. Eat

If your child does not prefer to have solid food for several days, do not worry. Just make sure he gets plenty of fluids during this time.

3. Playing

Quandoseu child has a viral outbreak, encourage him to nap often. Also, keep your child at home, so it can be silent or rest. He can return to school or day care if the fever is gone and he is feeling better and eating well.

4. Sleeping

It is common for your child to be irritable and sleepless. If your child is congested, try supporting the upper body and head up with pillows. You can put your baby in his car seat on the bed.

Skin Care 5.

As a parent, you should make sure that your child does not scratch the rash and to do so, keep the nails short and clean. You should also let the skin breathe by wearing it with cotton clothing. Sometimes you can reduce itching with an oatmeal bath (such as Aveeno). You can also moisten the skin and decrease the desire of his son to zero with a topical cream like hydrocortisone.

6. Medication

Sometimes you can use an oral antihistamine, such as Benadryl. If you do, however, always be sure to follow the instructions carefully and never use both oral and topical form of Benadryl while, unless your child's doctor tells you to do so. You can also relieve body aches and fever with medications such as Motrin or Tylenol.